• Suomi
  • Eilola Logistics

    Eilola truck crane services: an uplifting experience

    Your trusted partner in lifting services

    Our truck mounting cranes are serving industrial and construction sites all over Southern Finland. As our customer you can trust our lifting operations are always safe, on time, and reasonably priced.

    Not only profoundly experienced and highly skilled, our experts also have keen eyes and ears – your wishes and needs are key guidelines in everything we do.

    Something  unexpected happening at your work site that needs instant fixing? If it involves lifting, give as a call. Help will be on its way soon.

    A red-yellow Eilola truck at your site is a sign that lifting operations are in good hands.


    Janica Manninen has been appointed Financial Manager for Eilola...

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    Samuli Suoninen has been appointed Transport Planner for Eilola Logistics...

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    Topi Rimpiläinen has been appointed Administrative Director for Eilola...

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